I'm so excited to announce that I have been elected to serve on my sorority's Executive Board as VP of PR and Marketing! This is such a great opportunity and I can't wait to start. By being VP of PR and Marketing, I will essentially be representing Alpha Chi Omega on all social media and defining who we are as a chapter to the public (including potential new members, yay!). As you can already tell, I absolutely love social media/blogging and this position is perfect for me. I hope that it enhances my knowledge of PR and Marketing and gives me some experience under my belt. I am so passionate about being in Alpha Chi and showing everyone how great our chapter really is!
Being in Alpha chi has made me the person I am today and I am so thankful for every one of my sisters- all 400 of them! Because I am both passionate about AXO and PR and Marketing, this makes the position even more exciting. We represent our sorority by striving to be the greatest girls at USC and I honestly believe it. We are strong, confident, and beautiful women who care for our sisters and our community. With this position I hope to show everyone who we are as a chapter and what we are really about.
I also hope to increase the support of our philanthropy, which is Domestic Violence Awareness, by educating more people and making them aware of how serious this problem is. 1 in 4 women will fall victim to domestic violence at least once in her lifetime and 1.3 million women are assaulted by their intimate partner each year. This is a problem that shouldn't be overlooked and these women need support. South Carolina, home to Theta Upsilon, ranks 7th highest in the nation for reports of domestic violence. Every year, Alpha chi hosts two huge fundraising philanthropy events to support Sistercare, a local women's community center that assists women and children that have been affected by domestic violence. This is an issue that I am very passionate about and I hope to raise awareness for this cause and put a stop to this abuse. Love shouldn't hurt and these women need to know that. You can help support Domestic Violence Awareness today by buying one of these Bravelets from this link below -->
$10 will be donated to the associated cause when you purchase a bracelet. This means $10 goes straight to Sistercare! Not only are these bracelets super cute but they also support a great cause! And the best news yet is that on DECEMBER SECOND instead of donating $10 for every purchase they will be donating $20! This is really amazing and I hope that you can spare $25-$35 to support this awareness!
I hope that by being VP or PR and Marketing that I really make the Theta Upsilon chapter at the University of South Carolina proud and show everyone how grateful I am for being a part of this amazing organization! xoxo
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