This past weekend I attended a Leadership Academy for my executive position in my sorority (Alpha Chi Omega). I took a plane from Charlotte, North Carolina and headed to Indianapolis, Indiana for three days with our Chapter President and VP of Philanthropy. There we met Alpha Chis from all over the country and participated in premiere training, which included innovative learning sessions with our sisters. I learned so much about my position and how to apply PR and Marketing strategies not only within our chapter but in the real world. I got to listen to amazing speakers such as Krista Neher, who is the CEO of Boot Camp Digital. She talked about the ins and outs of social media and how to use it properly to build your personal brand. Her speech really reminded me that how you present yourself on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) is a representation of who you are and your values. These are ways for future employers to get to know you and a negative representation can stand between you and possible job offerings. I love PR and Marketing and I love building a brand for myself. However, I have to be aware of how I am doing it and make sure I am doing it in the best way possible. Social media can really help land you a job, or it could even get you fired- so be aware.
This trip reminded me and showed me that I not only love my position as VP of PR and Marketing, but I love PR and Marketing as whole! This Leadership Academy really motivated me to be the best that I can be and help my chapter benefit from everything that I learned. I am also excited to announce that I will be going to another Alpha Chi Omega convention in Atlanta, Georgia in a couple weeks so keep an eye out for my next few posts to see what I learn next!
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