Sunday, November 9, 2014

Breathe. Believe. Recieve.

First off- Happy Sunday!  Sundays are one of my favorite days of the week because they consist of lounging around, watching football, and overall taking it easy. I try to designate a good amount of my Sunday's to "me" time but I always seem to be extremely stressed thinking about my busy week ahead.  It can be overwhelming trying to relax while always having tasks for the week consume your mind. My only advice is to try and just stop, relax, and remind yourself how important it is to take care of both your mind and body.  Embrace and love your body because it is the most amazing thing you will ever own.  When I don't take the time to work out, do a quick yoga session, or do something as simple as read for fun, I feel more stressed.  Sometimes I think if I cut these activities out of my day I will have more time to do homework, study, or prepare for the upcoming week which would reduce my stress. However, I never feel that way at the end of the day.  Taking a break from reality really helps me find peace and happiness.  One quote I really wanted to share with you guys is:

Ego says: "Once everything falls into place, I will find peace."
Spirit says: "Find peace and everything will fall into place."

This quote is a perfect example of how I want to spend not only my Sundays, but every day.  If you are feeling really overpowered by your worries than try a 30 minute yoga session to relieve some stress, but if you aren't into yoga than just have a cup of coffee in your yoga pants.  Just make sure to find some time for yourself and not your worries.  The perfect time to relax is when you think you don't have the time for it.
"The yoga pose that you avoid the most you need the most" -Unknown Author
I always want to improve my headstand but constantly avoid it because of how difficult it is. Today, I listened to this quote because I really did need to push myself to achieve this pose.  I will continue to work on it and get even better! Namaste.

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